Contact us

We are located in open country about 1½ miles from Borough Green, in Kent. We can usually arrange to meet visitors who travel by train, however there is also a taxi service at the station.

London Victoria to Borough Green & Wrotham

Trains from London leave Victoria at half hourly intervals throughout most of the day. (Hourly on Sundays and late at night).

Taxi from the station. Borough Green Taxis operate a good service at the station.
Phone 01732 88 20 20.

Charing Cross to Sevenoaks

Sunday services to Borough Green may be unreliable. On Sundays, we recommend you use Sevenoaks Station, which is about 6 miles from the Farm. Trains to Sevenoaks leave Charing Cross at frequent intervals.

Taxi from the station. Bee line operate a good taxi service at Sevenoaks.
Phone 01732 45 62 14

Train time enquiries: 08457 48 49 50 , or click here to visit the National Rail website.

There is no convenient bus service in the Crouch area.

We can usually arrange to meet visitors who travel by train.

Phoenix Piano Systems Ltd
Hurstwood Farm
The Hurst, Crouch
St Mary’s Platt
Kent TN15 8TA

Call : 01732 88 50 50
Email :